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Colwall Ladies' Club Constitution 2021


1.    Name:


The name of the Club shall be: Colwall Ladies' Club.


2.    Objectives and activities:


  •   An opportunity to meet Colwall residents in a sociable environment.


  •   To participate in a range of enriching and social events through a varied programme of speakers, outings, activities         and events.


3.    Membership:


  •   Membership is limited to residents of Colwall and near neighbours to a maximum of 120 members.


  •   Visitors are welcome and may attend twice in one year. They will be invited to join if they meet the residential                   requirements.


  •   Annual subscription, currently £6.00 and £2.00 per meeting attended, will be adjusted when necessary. This will be           discussed and voted on at the AGM.


  •   Subscriptions are due at the September meeting and are to be paid by the November meeting at the latest.                     Anyone joining from May onwards pays nothing until September, except the meeting fee.


  •   Any members who have not paid their membership by November will be deemed to have left the Club.


  •   Behaviour or actions of a member inconsistent with the ethos of the Club will be considered by the Committee and         may lead to the cancellation of membership.


4.    Officers and Committee:


  •   The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and a maximum of seven Committee members are to be elected at the                 AGM.


  •   The role of Vice Chairman is to be acting Chairman in the absence of the Chairman and will be appointed by the             Committee.


  •   The Minutes of each Club meeting are to be available as typed copies for members to read and approve at the                meeting. Approved Minutes will be signed by the Chairman.


5.    Financial Arrangements:


  •   A bank account will be maintained on behalf of Colwall Ladies' Club. Three cheque signatories will be nominated             by the Committee (one to be the Treasurer). The signatories must not be related nor members of the same                       household. For cheque payments, two signatories will sign the cheque.


  •   All other payments (such as internet banking, BACS payments, cash withdrawals, debit card payments or cash                   payments) will be with the authorisation of a nominated Committee member.


  •   Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement given at each               Committee meeting. The account shall be subject to an annual audit and an accounts report will be presented at             the AGM.  


  •   Colwall Ladies' Club is a non-profit making organisation. All money raised by or on behalf of the Club will only be             used to further the aims of the group.


6.    Meetings:


  •   The Club shall meet on the second Thursday morning of each month, except August.


  •   At meetings, appeals and advertisements regarding other appropriate events shall only be displayed on the                     information table at the discretion of the Chairman.


  •   The Committee will meet once a month, with further meetings if required.  


  •   The Club shall have an AGM in July. At least one month's notice of the AGM will be given.


  •   The AGM agenda will include reports from the  Chairman, Secretary and other Committee members when                         appropriate; a Treasurer's report and the year's audited accounts; Committee members' resignations (resignations           to the Chairman by the end of the May meeting); election of new Committee members; consideration of proposed         amendments to the Constitution. 


  •   All proposals and items for consideration at the AGM must be submitted to the Chairman/Secretary one month               before the date of the AGM.


  •   At the AGM a majority vote (with a quorum of 20% of the total membership) is required for election of officers or for         making decisions on behalf of the Club.


7.   Changes to the Constitution:


      This Constitution can only be changed by a majority vote at an AGM (with a quorum of 20% of the total                               membership).


8.   Special General Meetings: 


  •  The Secretary will call an SGM at the request of the majority of the Committee or at least 10 other members,                     including a written request to the Chairman or Secretary stating the reason for their request.


  •  The meeting will take place within two months of the request.


  •  Members will be given at least two weeks' notice of the venue, date, time and agenda.


  •  A quorum for the SGM will be 20% of the membership, and decisions will be reached by a simple majority.


9.  Dissolution: 


  •  In order to dissolve the Club an SGM must be called. The sole business of this meeting will be to consider                        dissolving the Club.


  •  If it is agreed to dissolve the Club, all remaining money and other assets (once outstanding debts have been paid)          will be donated to a local charitable organisation. The charitable organisation will be agreed at the meeting which          agrees the dissolution.


Adoption of the Constitution


This Constitution was adopted by the members present at an AGM held on Thursday, 8th July, 2021.


Signed................................. (Chairman) Print Name …............................... Date.....................


Signed................................. (Secretary) Print Name.................................... Date.....................


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