This is our page where you will find details of Meetings and Events held in recent months
Our meeting on Thursday, 14th November was held at the Royal British Legion in Crescent Road. We were treated to a talk by Philip Bowen entitled "A Midlands Rising". His talk about the conspirators, their objectives
At our October meeting Vicky Kitchen from the Kingcote Gallery in Flyford Flavell helped us produce little works of glass art. She had brought so many materials for us to experiment with and we had a lively and amusing morning trying to create little works of art.
On Thursday, 12th September we gathered together to listen to two ladies from the "From Time to Time" group tell us all about what life was really like for ordinary folk in Tudor times.
They had brought with them many fascinating artefacts to illustrate their stories.
July brought our annual general meeting. This was followed by a fascinating talk about Laura Ashley's life. After that the raffle was drawn and then we made our way to the Thai Rama for lunch.
In June David Chatterley brought about 30 of his teddy bear friends with him and told us the history of this dearly loved toy.
On 9th May, Marguerite Collins told us the story of the Lygon family, who despite so many ups and downs has been at Madresfield for over a thousand years.
What an interesting and entertaining morning Peter Gill gave us on 11th April. His talk, entitled Musical Satire, encompassed songs of the first world war right up to songs by Billy Connelly and Victoria Wood. He played and sang songs from Cole Porter, Noel Coward and Tom Lehrer, too. Wonderful.
On Thursday, 14th March our very special local Artist, Laura Nicholson, told us all about her career and inspiration for creating her beautiful paintings and fabrics. What a lovely morning we had.
The History of Hats was the theme of Caroline Butcher's talk on Thursday, 8th February. Caroline explained the history of hats down through the ages. She then went on to tell us how she had given up a very successful career in order to make and sell her own hats at her shop in Droitwich. At the end of her talk she also gave us very useful tips on which styles suit different occasions and also which styles suit different face shapes.
The New Year saw the much anticipated return of Penny Platts and her husband to tell us all about their safari in Africa. Penny's excellent talk accompanied by her husband's beautiful photography took us on a journey along the Chobe river and eventually on to the Victoria Falls. We were transported on a magical journey across Africa.
Christmas Lunch was celebrated on 14th December by about 50 members in our very own Colwall Village Hall. The committee had worked hard to make all the tables look splendid and the accompanying live music was a delight. The main work, however, was being done in the kitchen by Ian and his wonderful team. The starters were delicious, the main courses were even better and the desserts were to die for. At the end we were treated to cups of tea or coffee and mini mince pies. The raffle proved to be the best yet with some wonderful prizes. All in all a fantastic occasion.
On Thursday, 9th November Robert North came to tell us all about Honeybees. His talk covered some fascinating facts about these amazing little creatures and the various roles they perform during their lifetime. Robert had brought along some delicious honey for us to buy.
Thursday, 12th October saw another very welcome return of Ian Wilson. Ian is a Quantity Surveyor and Certified Historic Building Professional. This time Ian's talk took us from cathedrals to country houses. This was another very informative talk, thoroughly enjoyed by all.
On 14th September one of our favourite speakers, Dr. Kate Bellamy, returned. Kate is a leading neuro-scientist. In this talk she told us about various brain myths and then busted them with science. All in all, this was a fascinating and informative talk.
We held our Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 13th July.
Before the AGM started we were treated to a fascinating talk about Guide Dogs. Anne Dicks and Shirley Sheridan, together with her guide dog, Mikey, from the Malvern branch of the charity explained how the dogs are trained and what a difference they make to the lives of people with sight problems.
Carl Attwood gave us a fascinating talk about two composers: Gershwin and Cole Porter on 8th June, 2023. He illustrated his talk both with recordings and his own renditions.
Thursday, 11th May saw Ray Sturdy make a welcome return to tell us all about the spectacular royal palace created by the Earls of Dudley.
On 13th April our very own Christine Honeywill, ably assisted by her husband Chris and their son Tim, told us why the charity REACH was set up. The talk was greatly appreciated by everyone present. Thank you, Christine.
Sadly, our March meeting had to be cancelled because of snow. However, it is hoped the planned talk on Laura Ashley can be given at a later date.
On 9th February, 2023 Chris O'Grady gave us a fascinating and entertaining talk about the world of antiques. He told us of amazing finds but also of disappointing fakes. Afterwards members were given the opportunity of having some of their own treasures appraised.
Thursday, 12th January saw Robert Arley give us a fascinating talk about the 1851 Great Exhibition. Robert, who had produced several Antiques Roadshow programmes and various programmes for ITV, was extremely well informed and was more than happy to answer questions. The talk left us all wanting a new Great Exhibition!
On 15th December we made our way to The Wellington Inn at Chances Pitch in Colwall for our Christmas Lunch. It was a bitterly cold day outside but a warm welcome awaited us from Giles and his staff. As always the food was delicious and the service excellent. The raffle was drawn and the fantastic number of lovely raffle prizes found new homes. After wishing everybody a very Merry Christmas, we made our way home, well-fed and happy.
Friday, 9th December saw a group of us board a coach and head for Stratford-upon-Avon to see the Victorian Christmas Market. This is a four-day event comprising approximately 300 very well stocked stalls, selling everything from Christmas decorations to cheeses and chocolates. Despite the exceptionally cold conditions, the sun shone all day and we had a lovely time.
On Thursday, 10th November Phil Collins and Mike Bottomley gave us a most entertaining talk about the origins of some of our most loved Christmas customs.
Ian Johnston gave us a most interesting talk on underwater photography on Thursday, 13th October. He explained the differences between taking photos on land and under water. He'd brought along some of the equipment needed and treated us to many fascinating slides.
On Thursday, 8th September David Withey gave us a light-hearted talk entitled "The Lighter Side of Local Government.
On Thursday, 11th August we set off for the Monkland Cheese Dairy where we enjoyed a most interesting talk on how they make their delicious cheeses. Samples were eagerly consumed and then we tucked into ploughman's lunches or one of their home-made soups. Afterwards we set off for Croft Castle. It was a very hot but most enjoyable day out.
We held our AGM on Thursday, 14th July 2022. This was followed by an excellent talk by David Longman about the beautiful bouquets created for royal brides. We are very grateful to him for such an interesting and illuminating morning.
After drawing the raffle we enjoyed a delicious lunch together at the Thai Rama Restaurant in Colwall.
Friday, 24th June saw us head off for the first of two outings this summer. First stop was in Broadway where we enjoyed glorious weather and two hours of shopping, museum visiting or just generally enjoying all that this beautiful Cotswold town has to offer. Then back onto the coach for the two mile journey to Snowshill Manor where we marvelled at the extraordinary number of artefacts which then owner Charles Wade had collected. The garden, set out in the Arts and Crafts style, was simply beautiful.
9th June, 2022 saw the welcome return of Penny Platts. She gave us a truly fascinating and wide ranging talk entitled "Incredible India".

On 12th May David Clark gave us a most interesting, nostalgic look back at the BBC, from its early days in 1928 under Lord Reith to present times.

On 14th April Dr Kate Bellamy made a very welcome return to give us a most interesting and informative talk entitled "The Seven Ages of Sleep"

On Thursday, 10th March, 2022
John Butterworth MBE gave us a most interesting talk describing what it was like to go to Buckingham Palace to receive an honour in a talk entitled "My Day with the Queen". He also explained the history of the honours system.
On Thursday, 10th February, 2022 Paul Picton gave us a most interesting and enjoyable talk all about the history of Old Court Nurseries and the Picton Garden here in Colwall.

On Thursday, 13th January 2022
Cora Weaver gave us a most interesting talk about the Malvern Water Cure and probable reasons why Florence Nightingale spent so much time in Malvern. Florence and many others had little faith in doctors and visited spas instead. After spending two years in Scutari in Turkey during the Crimean War,where she witnessed most horrific scenes of suffering, she spent the rest of her life working hard to improve conditions not only in hospitals but also in the army. Her health was deteriorating and it is now believed that she was not only fighting Brucellosis but also what we would now recognise as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Survivor's Guilt.
Christmas Lunch
On Thursday, 9th December over forty members went along to the Wellington Inn at Chances Pitch for our annual Christmas Lunch. We held a raffle with some wonderful prizes and Giles Goodhew and his staff produced delicious food for us all. All in all a very happy time was had by everybody.
Due to unforeseen circumstances the planned talk (A Dickensian Christmas) on Thursday, 9th 2021 had to be cancelled. Instead, Mike Bottomley treated us to the life story of Nurse Edith Cavell. It was a deeply moving talk about this amazing World War I heroine and very appropriate on Armistice Day.

Thursday 14th October, 2021
Jonathan and Carol Pearce
"We bought an Orchard"
After retirement, our local GP
Jonathan and his wife Carol bought an old orchard. They told us the story of how they learned to look after it and to make good use of the orchard produce.

September 9th 2021 10.30 a.m.
Ian Wilson: "Ironbridge to India"
Ian is the husband of one of our Committee Members.
He gave us a fascinating talk about lots of the projects he has worked on over 25 years. His talk took us all over the world and certainly proved that Quantity Surveying is NOT dull.

June 10th 2021 10:30 a.m.
Jill Salmons: The Costumes and Cultures of Peru
The desert regions of Peru were once places of sophisticated cultures with complex architecture and superb ceramics, jewellery and textiles. Burials often involved the wrapping of the corpse in multiple layers of cloth, which, due to the dry climate, have survived up to the present day. Scholars have been astounded by the variety of techniques employed thousands of years ago, many of which are still maintained by the indigenous Quechua speaking peoples of Peru .This talk will discuss the large variety of costumes and hats produced by different communities, explaining the weaving techniques, colour significance, motifs and uses of many of the textiles for rites of passage and cultural displays.
Rosemary Wilson, one of our Members, and her husband Ian came up with the following idea to lighten our circumstance and give Colwall a reason for fun! Read below for details of what they had in mind!
During this time of plague we have tried to put a smile on faces by putting little displays in the front garden at Brighton Villas and now we have an idea to get all of Colwall joining in. Midsummer, the longest day falls at a weekend this year, so we suggest the following:
20th & 21st of June
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
In Colwall
Dress your house with Fairy lights, Fairies, Elves, etc.
And as it gets dark on the 20th take a stroll around the village, greet people, have a drink, wear costume. Of course if villagers would like to recite passages from the play or other fairy works to their neighbours that would be splendid.
But remember to keep a safe distance. Fairies don’t like you to get too close. Think how the indigenous people in far off lands had their populations decimated by diseases we took to them.
The little chap in the photos is a member of the Pipe Cleaner Theatre Collective who will be performing a tableau of a scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream at 2 Brighton Villas on the 20th June.
For pictures from the night of the event please go to our Members' Page.

Worcestershire Remembered: Ray Sturdy March 2020
In March our speaker was Ray Sturdy whose talk ‘Worcestershire Remembered’ is a reflection on a way of life at the end of Victoria's reign and into the Edwardian era, but now gone; when old ways disappeared and Britain moved forward into an age of industrial progress and social change.
World Adventure on a Tandem: Kay O'Toole February 2020
How are you at holiday packing? Versatile? Creative? Minimalist? Could you pack for a cycling holiday? Difficult enough, but when you are going for nine months, will be travelling through several climate zones and your baggage has to include a tent and cooking equipment, then it sounds absolutely impossible. However, Kay and Sean O'Toole did manage it and Kay told the incredible story of their adventures cycling round the world on a tandem, travelling through 9 countries and covering 11,500 miles, experiencing gruelling heat, camping in sub-zero temperatures and discovering that people world-wide have the same curiosity, kindness and generosity of spirit.​
My Dad, the Spy Speaker: Andy Meany January 2020
Andy Meany's children used to say their father was a spy; it was a way of avoiding explanations about his job providing medical facilities in remote places definitely not on the tourist map; imagine road transport without even basic comforts, planes which shed bits along the way, impossible temperature ranges and builders who found creative ways of not building to requirements. There were certainly challenges but there was also satisfaction and humour; clinic attendance wasn't always to see the doctor - where else could one charge the mobile? But there were also opportunities to see the world and we were enjoying a quick trip through Africa and Asia until the reality of Colwall time and obligations cut in; we had to be abandoned in Mongolia with several other places still to be visited so we need part 2 of this fascinating story…..
Sleep - Perchance to Dream: Dr Kate Bellamy December 2019
'TIREDNESS KILLS, TAKE A BREAK': the motorway signs are right as tired drivers kill more people than those affected by drink or drugs! Dr Kate Bellamy emphasised the importance of good quality sleep patterns to our wellbeing and gave us some ideas on how to improve our sleep. No one put them to the test during her talk; it was too interesting and it gave us so many things to think about that no one wanted to waste a moment of it by dozing – then.